Using both radiofrequency(RF) and microneedling, we can target the subdermal layers of the skin and tissue to remodel and stimulate collagen production
MORPHEUS8 Benefits
Skin Tightening
Acne scars
Active acne
Surgical scars
Stretch marks
Fine lines and wrinkles
Plus, no downtime is associated, the treatment is safe on any skin type, and can be performed even if you spent time in the sun the same day!
Treatment Areas
Face and/or Neck​
Upper Legs
Banana Roll
Submental (Double chin)
Around eyes or Mouth

Before & after acne treatment
*results after 3 sessions

Before & after cellulite
*results after 1 session
Depending on how aggressive the treatment is, a patient may have some faint bruising andÙ–/or redness for 48-72 hours
For optimum results, treatments are best grouped in a series of 3 (spaced 4 weeks apart)​
Starting at $500 per session, depending on area treated
*package pricing available
Want to learn more about this treatment?
Schedule a consultation ($50) and have all your questions answered.